Alexander Thomas

Me right now

Don’t ask me why exactly, but recently I find myself skipping public transport and going for long walks. And by that, I mean 15 kilometers or so. It’s amazing how differently the city feels when you slow down. And funnily enough, this is not so much dropping out as it is a study in focusing. I know this state from my hiking experiences. If your body is entertained but not fully occupied, your mind is free to wander.

And it does.

About all the crazy things going on at verkstedt, about the departure of old friends on their way out of my life, about a fantastic trip to Paris we took just recently – and about my newly discovered interest in Contemporary Art!

Somehow, I seem to be following a path that has taken me from 60s architecture to furniture design, to Modern Art, and now to Contemporary Art. A fantastic journey, which I plan to extend further. Let’s see where it takes me.